Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where the buffalo roam

Well, Bob, Gus and I headed into the wild west on our way to Eugene, Oregon, and we made it all the way to Gillette, Wyoming, in two days! We took off from Cincinnati yesterday and made it about 50 miles outside of Des Moines, Iowa, before stopping for the night.

The ride has been going well so far. We have our car and a U-haul trailer packed to the brim (seriously, we could barely fit Gus in the car!), so we're driving slow, but still plan to make it to Eugene by early afternoon Friday. Bob insists he would rather drive than be in the passenger seat, so he's been at the wheel the entire time and I've had Gus on my lap, which wasn't so great today as Gus decided to fart continuously throughout the day -- no more treats tonight!

Because we have the car and trailer so weighed down we weren't able to make it back to Mt. Rushmmore today, but we still managed to stop at the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota, (as seen in the documentary "King Corn") -- really, it's the town's convention center and its exterior is decorated almost entirely in Indian corn. The town sure loves its Corn Palace. There's plenty of gift shops dedicated to the structure featuring t-shirts with sayings such as "Kiss me I'm Corny," coffee mugs, magnets, etc. (we bought a Christmas ornament :])

Our next stop along the dusty trail was at the world famous Wall Drug located in the tiny town of Wall, South Dakota. From the second we entered South Dakota we saw those nostalgic signs advertising the drug store that was a mere 300 miles away. Bob and I invented a game to play to help pass the time on the way to Wall -- the first person to spot a Wall Drug sign and shout it got a point. If you shouted out a Wall Drug sign and it actually was not a Wall Drug sign, you lost a point ,(if you've ever driven through South Dakota, you can imagine how long this game lasted). Because I'm awesome, I won :)

Time to call it quits tonight as we're leaving bright and early tomorrow morning with the goal of making it all the way to Spokane, Washington, (maybe farther) tomorrow.

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